Remembering Simplicity in a Complex World

Guatemala and tortillas

Remembering Simplicity in a Complex World

So, here's the thing. I spent four years of my life traveling before I even thought about starting a 'career'. Those years taught me a ton.

For around 2 months I lived in this little shack in Guatemala with my now-wife, learning Spanish 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. It was a simple life. The shack had limited power, a cold shower, and would shake like crazy during the weekly earthquake in the volcanic region of Lake Atitlán. We ate for around a buck a day, and my daily visit to the tortilla lady was the highlight of my day. I loved catching up on the local buzz and getting my hands on a beautiful warm tortilla for dinner.

One of the most beautiful experiences during that time was being an outsider in the community and yet being so welcomed and accepted. I remember attending local church services, not understanding every word but feeling the warmth and unity in those hallowed halls. Long treks in the coffee fields became a routine, the smell of fresh coffee cherries and the breathtaking views of the lush greenery are etched in my memory. Dinners in local homes were a feast not just for the stomach but for the soul. The generosity and openness of the people made me feel a part of their culture, their community. It was a simple, fulfilling life that was about people and experiences, not things.

Fast forward to now, I'm back in Australia with two kids, a mortgage, and a job that pretty much dictates my hours. And then there are the worries of interest rates, investment advice, health alignment, retirement planning... you name it. Sometimes, I find myself wondering, "How do I stay true to myself and live like that carefree guy who once shunned cultural norms, screens, and shiny things from social media and advertisements?"

Honestly, I don't have all the answers. But writing about it, sharing it with you, well, it makes me smile. It helps me figure things out. So, here's what I've got so far:

Parent's Perspective: I try to remember the values and experiences that shaped me, and I'm doing my best to pass those on to my kids. I want them to understand and appreciate different cultures and perspectives, to counter the influence of screens and materialism. We do outdoor activities, volunteering, and have open chats about the impact of media on our lives.

Teacher's Perspective: I'm trying to teach my kids to think critically, to question societal norms, and navigate the digital world responsibly. We talk about media literacy, I encourage them to do their own research, and I try to promote creativity and self-expression through hobbies and projects that they're passionate about.

Financial Advisor's Perspective: I've had to take a good look at my financial goals and align my spending habits accordingly. I'm trying to avoid unnecessary debt and excessive consumption driven by advertisements and social media. I'm focusing on saving for experiences, travel, and education rather than acquiring material possessions. It's tough, but it's worth it.

Life Coach's Perspective: I'm learning to connect with my inner desires and values, taking time for self-reflection and self-care. I'm setting personal boundaries to protect my time and energy from being overrun by societal expectations. I'm prioritizing activities and relationships that bring me joy, purpose, and personal growth.

Friend's Perspective: I'm surrounding myself with people who share my desire to live authentically and thoughtfully. We support each other, have open conversations about our goals, challenges, and joys, and exchange advice and inspiration to stay true to ourselves and resist external pressures.

So, there you have it. I'm figuring it out, one day at a time. Staying true to oneself and living authentically is a journey, not a destination. It's about creating a life that aligns with our passions and goals, leading to a sense of fulfillment and happiness.

I'm still on this journey, and I invite you to join me. Let's resist societal expectations and external pressures together, and create lives that are true to who we are.

And hey, if you've got any advice, I'm all ears!