HAC the system

The world of reintegration through the eyes of the Founders of Con-nected

Edition #1

The start of a community focused on solutions

Made with Midjounrey

Welcome to a monthly newsletter written by the Founders of Con-nected, an app being piloted in service of people on Drug and Alcohol Treatment Orders in the ACT, Australia.

This newsletter will be broken up into three main areas:


Have will be updates from the pilot talking about the roadmap, collaborations and feedback from the participants.


Am will be the story’s from across the world highlighting people doing great things in the reintegration space.


Can will dig into the world of technology by sharing evidence of ‘tech for good’.

We hope this newsletter creates an audience of people who are passionate about the role of technology in supporting people working their way through the criminal legal system. In a world where technology is creating electric vehicles and rockets to Mars, it feels wrong to miss the opportunity to use some of this energy to fix a system that has a failure rate of up to 60% (people returning to prison).

If you are interested in Con-nected or would like to suggest content for the newsletter please reach out by replying to this email.


Con-nected is an idea seeded by A Curious Tractor. The Founder’s, Benjamin Knight and Nicholas Marchesi understand the power of technology and connecting a community through systems of support.

The key goal of Con-nected is to empower individuals on Drug and Alcohol Treatment Orders (DATOs) in the ACT, Australia to take control of their recovery journey, and to break the cycle of recidivism by providing a secure and engaging platform that connects them to the resources, support, and inspiration they need to successfully complete their treatment and build a better future.

As with many other jurisdictions, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has high rates of recidivism, with 63.4% of people released from the ACT prison returning to prison or community corrections within two years. Additionally, in an environment of limited funding and an over-burdened workforce, low graduation rates for DATOs are also a concern.

To learn more about the vision and read through the project logic visit https://www.con-nected.com.au/project-logic.


Prison Radio brings the voices of incarcerated people into the public debate. Its and independent multimedia production studio producing content for radio, television, and films for 30 years and distributing throughout the world. They stream high-quality audio material to media outlets and the general public in order to add the voices of people most impacted by the prison industrial complex.

The Marshall Project is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the U.S. criminal legal system. They have an impact on the system through journalism, rendering it more fair, effective, transparent and humane.

Birdseye view is the first podcast made with women in the Darwin Correctional Centre. “We made this podcast cause we want to shake things up and show you who we really are.” The Darwin Correctional Centre is located just outside Australia’s most northerly city. It accommodates 1048 prisoners. Eighty places are for women.


For the inaugural edition this newsletter we are interested in directing you to Con-nected’s Program Logic Model. These are the assumptions and plans that we are putting forward to see what might help our cohort of participants.

The idea with this pilot is to break everything and rebuild as many times as we need. We need to be challenged by the best in the industry so that the app fails fast and works towards a model that is life-changing for many stuck in the system.

Please have a drive around the site and reach out with things we have missed, what we might have got wrong, options for collaboration, or if you are just keen on a yarn.